Why I Love Summer

Out of the 4 seasons, summer is my favorite.  Why?  Many reasons I guess.  Maybe because August is my birthday month.  Or maybe because the days are longer and not mention warmer.  No more being bundled up and hunched over trying to stay out of the cold.  I try not to over analyze the reasons too much.  I just simply love summer!

So that being said, let’s talk about what fun things most people like to do in the summer.  I know that one of my personal favorite things is going to the beach.  Just the smell of the ocean, sunscreen and music playing in my ears, along with a great book to read and I am in my very own personal paradise!  Moreover, when planning summer vacations, most people like to visit places that have great beaches.  Hawaii, Florida, California and the Caribbean are just some of the locations that people flock to shake off their winter blues.


Another thing that I like about summer is a good old-fashioned BBQ and or picnic.  I mean, who does not love food cooked on a grill accompanied by a nice cool beverage?  Most BBQ’s I’ve been to have been family reunions so being able to catch up with friends and family that I have not seen in while is always something special.  We all get to reminisce about the things that we did as kids, observing the new additions to the family by way of the little ones that are running around.  Or smiling with each other as we remember those who are no longer with us.


BBQ’s and picnics, I feel, are more than just eating  hot dogs and hamburgers and drinking sweet tea and lemonade.  They are about celebrating family and friends.  Although I must admit, good food does not hurt either!

So those are just some of the reasons that I love summer.  Now don’t get me wrong.  The other seasons have their attributes.  Autumn has beautiful colorful falling leaves.  Winter has the holidays and the first fall of snow.  And spring is about renewal with the flowers coming up from the ground and the leaves budding in the trees.   But summer will always be the number one season for me.  What is your favorite season?


5 thoughts on “Why I Love Summer

  1. I agree totally, Tracey. I would prefer summer to last 12 months of every year. Maybe it’s because I, too, have a summer birthday. Anyway – enjoy it while it lasts!

  2. I enjoy three of four seasons, hint: winter is not on the list.

    I did enjoy your reasons for summer, the beach, BBQ’s hot dogs, just good old fashioned summer fun.

    Summer for me brings back memories of childhood. Spending countless hours outside, playing and hanging with friends. No computers, no cell phones with the latest app, heck we barely got three channels on the black and white television.

    Picnics in the mountains next to a cool Rocky Mountain Stream, fly fishing for trout and hoping we didn’t catch any big enough to keep, because the rule was, you catch it, you clean it. Got pretty good at cleaning fish though. And oh yea, baseball on the radio.

    I love summer too and now I get to share some of my favorite things with my grandkids.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. I’m a big fan of all four seasons. I think that’s why I live in the Northeast. I like weather extremes. This was a really nice post. It’s good to hear positive thoughts about the weather. Everyone is always so busy complaining that it’s “too hot” or “too cold”. Lol! Thanks for the post.

  4. There’s nothing quite like summertime in SoCal is there, especially here in the greatest place to live ever? Thanks for a nicely written and pleasant to read reminder of what’s really important in life, family and friends.

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